الحل الدقيق والآمن للتخلص من آلام الظهر
Find out what's best for your loved ones presentation Our care services
We offer you the latest surgical techniques to treat spinal problems, with smaller wounds and faster recovery
An effective solution to the problem of cartilage or vertebrae fractures, while enjoying the function
We provide stability and support to the vertebrae by precisely fixing them, reducing pain and preventing the problem from getting worse
Get rid of lower back pain and numbness in the legs with microsurgery to expand the nerve canal
We get rid of chronic neck pain by removing damaged cartilage with extreme precision using the latest surgical techniques
We restore comfort and activity by expanding the space available for the nerves in your neck, reducing numbness and tingling
تخلص من آلام أسفل الظهر المزمنة بإزالة الغضروف التالف بدقة عالية، مع تقليل فترة النقاهة